Karuizawa Shiraito Falls

 ¿Qué ver en Karuizawa shiraito falls, Prefectura de nagano?

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The Shiraito Falls in Karuizawa, Nagano Prefecture, Japan, are a popular tourist attraction. The falls are located near the town of Karuizawa and are easily accessible by car or train. The falls are open year-round and admission is free.

The Shiraito Falls are located in a beautiful natural setting and are surrounded by lush forests and mountains. The falls are about 3 meters high and 70 meters wide, and are fed by the melting snow from the surrounding mountains.

There is a walking trail that leads to the falls and offers visitors a chance to enjoy the natural beauty of the area. The trail is well-maintained and takes about 15 minutes to walk. There are also several observation decks along the trail that offer great views of the falls.

The falls are illuminated at night, which makes for a stunning sight. The illumination takes place from sunset until 10 pm, and is free to watch.

In the surrounding area, there are several other tourist attractions that visitors can enjoy. The Karuizawa Prince Shopping Plaza is a popular destination for shopping and dining, and is located about 20 minutes from the falls. The Karuizawa Kogen Church is also nearby and is a beautiful example of Gothic architecture.

For more information on the Shiraito Falls and the surrounding area, visitors can check the official website of the Karuizawa Tourist Association: https://karuizawa-kankokyokai.jp/en/.

(Pregúntas y respuestas para los que viajan a Karuizawa shiraito falls)
(Rutas realizadas por otros viajeros que pasan por Karuizawa shiraito falls)